Welcome to the official website of Qidong Rui Optoelectronic Co., Ltd.


Qidong Rui Optoelectronic Co., Ltd.

Contact us

Company Name: Qidong Rui Photoelectric Co., Ltd.

Contact: Ms. Zhou

Phone: +86-513-83349182

Mobile: +86-18951330197

Website:   en.qdrgdq.cn

Website: www.qdrgdq.cn

Address: No. 10, Qingnian East Road, Huilong Town, Qidong City

Company Profile

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Company Profile

Qidongrui Photoelectric Apparatus Co., Ltd. was established on the basis of the original Chenghe Shunfeng Electrical Appliance Factory. The company is located in the Qidong Chengbei Industrial Park, which is known as the “North Shanghai” of Jiangsu Province. It covers an area of more than 10,000 square meters, with convenient transportation and beautiful environment.


The company specializes in the production of LED fishing lights, LED fishing lights, network standard lights, light-controlled high-energy energy-saving network lights, and marine auxiliary electrical appliances. The products are suitable for fishermen to display the position of fishing nets in the ocean and river night fishing operations. At the same time, it is widely used in highway repair, field exploration, vehicle nighttime safety and auxiliary warning.

The company's sales network covers all coastal areas of the country, and is also exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and other countries and regions.

Based on the principle of “pragmatic innovation and serving the society”, the company will continuously develop and develop excellent products and create a better future with new customers!



No. 10, Youth East Road, Qidong City, Jiangsu Province CHINA

Tel / 18951330197




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