Welcome to the official website of Qidong Rui Optoelectronic Co., Ltd.


Qidong Rui Optoelectronic Co., Ltd.

Contact us

Company Name: Qidong Rui Photoelectric Co., Ltd.

Contact: Ms. Zhou

Phone: +86-513-83349182

Mobile: +86-18951330197

Website:   en.qdrgdq.cn

Website: www.qdrgdq.cn

Address: No. 10, Qingnian East Road, Huilong Town, Qidong City


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  • Is the logo lig...

    The beacon lights are suitable for docks, boat lifts and seawalls. It is a kit with a 50-foot heavy marine grade light l...

  • Is the logo lig...

    The beacon lights are suitable for docks, boat lifts and seawalls. It is a kit with a 50-foot heavy marine grade light l...

  • How does the fi...

    There are many underwater lights on the market, but they can be divided into two basic categories: installation lights a...

  • How does the fi...

    There are many underwater lights on the market, but they can be divided into two basic categories: installation lights a...

  • LED lure fish f...

    Among avid anglers and fishermen, night fishing is popular because most of them actually like to fish at night, and the ...

  • LED lure fish f...

    Among avid anglers and fishermen, night fishing is popular because most of them actually like to fish at night, and the ...

  • Use underwater ...

    Just as individuals look for conditions that increase fishing opportunities, fish look for specific areas where food is ...

  • Use underwater ...

    Just as individuals look for conditions that increase fishing opportunities, fish look for specific areas where food is ...

  • 3 LED fishing l...

    Three types of lights are used during night fishing - diving fishing lights, floating LED fishing lights and black light...

  • 3 LED fishing l...

    Three types of lights are used during night fishing - diving fishing lights, floating LED fishing lights and black light...

  • Which fish is g...

    There are many things to consider when comparing HID and LED fishing lights. Some fish lamp companies use LED lights as ...

  • Which fish is g...

    There are many things to consider when comparing HID and LED fishing lights. Some fish lamp companies use LED lights as ...

  • Which fish is g...

    There are many things to consider when comparing HID and LED fishing lights. Some fish lamp companies use LED lights as ...

  • How to use LED ...

    Under the LED fishing lights, we can guarantee that you will see the fish, but being able to capture them depends on you...

  • How to use LED ...

    Under the LED fishing lights, we can guarantee that you will see the fish, but being able to capture them depends on you...

  • Can I upgrade m...

    Many customers who buy new underwater LED fishing lights collect fish lights like them. They either want to add more lig...

  • Can I upgrade m...

    Many customers who buy new underwater LED fishing lights collect fish lights like them. They either want to add more lig...

  • Do I need water...

    There are actually multiple answers to this question. To answer this question, you first determine the series of lights ...

  • Different types...

    Night fishermen already know that light can attract fish. They may not know why, but the truth is that there are fish in...

  • What is the sta...

    Most people who buy LED lure lamps are fishing, but before you throw away the line, you should know something: Pr...


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